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Personalized Care and Guidance


Together  we can support and honor your resiliency and strengths as you heal, grow, and develop a new relationship with yourself and the world around you. 


If interested, please schedule a free 15 min consultation so I can get to know a little about you and you can ask any questions you may have. This helps us both determine if we may be a good fit therapeutically. 



My group has a trauma and attachment focus consisting of a mix of psychoeducation, skills building and processing. A sensorimotor (somatic/mind/body) approach will be integrated into the group material. All female-identified, non-binary and genderqueer persons are welcome. Groups run for 8 weeks. Commitment to the full 8 weeks is required. Group meets on Zoom.


You can schedule a 15 min free consultation if interested in learning more. 



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